Brian's Belly knows what you need to make guys happy when it comes to gift-giving. We are chock full of gift ideas for the man who likes to eat, drink and relax- there isn't a goodie here that we wouldn't give ourselves. Find something for your buddy or your hubby in The Belly's Holiday Gift Guide.
Brian's Belly Holiday Gift Guide
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Guy Fieri’s Knives are multiplying, and dividing. Wocka wocka. He’s added a few more weapons to his arsenal of kitchen cutlery.
Screw the sugarplums! I want Bacon Candy Canes dancing in my head!
Everything needs more BACON! Bacon Frosting is just what you’d expect. It’s frosting that tastes like bacon.
You know the holidays are just around the corner when Think Geek starts to promote their wonderful bacon-based gift ideas. The Sparkling Bacon Ornament is glittery meat and shiny metallic fat that would look stunning on any bacon-lovers Christmas tree.
Keeping your grill surface clean is important… don’t just “burn it off” or expect last week’s burger gristle to make this week’s chicken breasts taste better. So when I stumbled upon the Grill Daddy Pro Grill Brush, I decided to give it the Brian’s Belly once-over.
Duff Beer, our favorite fictitious brew enjoyed by our favorite fictitious Simpson’s character, is making the rounds in several bars in Latin America. Duff is apparently available in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and Chile.
NPR has a piece about the jovial, mustachioed Italian chef whose image has graced the cans of ravioli and beefaroni that have been a staple in many American households for several generations.
This is no cave… it’s an oven mitt. The official Star Wars Space Slug Oven Mitt, to be exact. Yep, a Star Wars oven mitt… officially licensed and everything. Buy this mitt, and you’ll be the coolest Corellian in your kitchen!
A long time ago, an iconic director created a masterpiece that changed the way we all looked at science fiction. I’m speaking of course, about George Lucas and the Princess Leia gold bikini.
It’s hot in that dragon’s lair… wouldn’t it be great if you could stop for a cold one after that episodic quest there and back again?
Do you still walk all the way over to the oven or grill to check the temperature of the meat your cooking? Well, now there’s an App for that. The iGrill is an iPhone-compatible, bluetooth-enabled meat thermometer that let’s you check in on your food from any room in the house.
Yeah, it’s fun to drop your shot glass into a pint glass as you hoist it up into the air to pound down… but how about an elegant way to drink your Jager bombs? These special shot glasses may be the answer.
Uh-oh. Bacon flavored products may have just jumped the hog. ThinkGeek is selling tins of Fizzy Bacon Drink Tablets. I think in this case plop-plop, fizz-fizz might be more like the sound of indigestion, not relief.
A good number of years ago, I banished frozen waffles from my freezer and gullet. They tasted like sponges and always gave me heartburn for some reason. I pushed on through life without waffles… who would have thought I could have made them myself?
The iPhone Bottle and Can Opener Case for iPhone 4 and IPhone 3GS. It has a built in stainless steel bottle opener and can tab that is made of a hard-shell ABS plastic.