Deep Fried Turkey

Still the best guide on the net!

How many times have you sliced into a tasteless, bone-dry turkey wishing your fowl had not run afoul in the oven? This year for Thanksgiving, try frying your bird instead. The skin will be crispy and the meat will be juicy. This is more than a recipe, this is our guide for Deep Fried Turkey.

Deep Fried Cajun Stuffing Balls

Enjoy My Balls.

I’m always looking to supplement our deep fried Thanksgiving turkey with the proper Cajun accoutrement… whether it’s an appetizer or side dish. I’ve been toying around with a recipe for Fried Cajun Stuffing Balls and I decided to finally get it down in digital form to share for T-Day.Deep Fried Cajun Stuffing Balls.

Hush Puppies

Hey y’all, thought you might like a little holiday hint to compliment your deep fried turkey recipe. While your bird is frying, whip up a batch of hush-puppie batter–here’s how. by Belly Buddy Scott Stout.