Entries by David

- 011.28.11Steak Station 4-Probe Steak Thermometer
Are you bad at getting your steak the right doneness for you and your guests? Doing 10 things at once with a beer in your hand while you’re cooking? The Charcoal Companion Steak Station 4-Probe Steak Thermometer may help sort out the confusion.
- 011.28.11World’s Largest Gummy Worm
Behold this monstrosity of sugar and gelatin that will make everyone’s eyes pop in amazement. It’s the World’s Largest Gummy Worm!
- 011.23.115 Free iOS Apps for Your Thanksgiving Festivities
Little recipe index cards and a printout of your favorite Deep Fried Turkey Guide are only part of a successful analog holiday. Here are 5 free Thanksgiving-based apps for your iPhone or iPad to download (or avoid).
- 111.19.11Old Man Drinks is Full of Barstool Wisdom (and Drinks)
Lose those girly cocktails and start drinking like a man–a real old man!” begins the back-flap introduction to Old Man Drinks, a great little book full of recipes, advice and barstool wisdom.
- 111.19.11Sam Adams Holiday Brews 2011
Boston Beer is set to roll out four limited-edition brews this holiday season that include flavors such as fruits, chocolates and chilies, oh my. In addition, the brewer has 2011 editions of Infinium and Utopias, as well as a new beer in their Winter Classics Sampler pack.
- 711.17.11Deep Fried Cajun Stuffing Balls
I’m always looking to supplement our deep fried Thanksgiving turkey with the proper Cajun accoutrement… whether it’s an appetizer or side dish. I’ve been toying around with a recipe for Fried Cajun Stuffing Balls and I decided to finally get it down in digital form to share for this T-Day.
- 011.17.11Guy Fieri’s Knives are Multiplying
Guy Fieri’s Knives are multiplying, and dividing. Wocka wocka. He’s added a few more weapons to his arsenal of kitchen cutlery.
- 011.16.11Bacon Candy Canes
Screw the sugarplums! I want Bacon Candy Canes dancing in my head!
- 011.16.11Bacon Frosting
Everything needs more BACON! Bacon Frosting is just what you’d expect. It’s frosting that tastes like bacon.
- 011.16.11Deck the Halls with Sparkling Bacon
You know the holidays are just around the corner when Think Geek starts to promote their wonderful bacon-based gift ideas. The Sparkling Bacon Ornament is glittery meat and shiny metallic fat that would look stunning on any bacon-lovers Christmas tree.
- 511.16.11Deep Fried Thanksgiving Help From Brian’s Belly
With Thanksgiving only about a week away, we’d like to make our annual appeal to you and your taste buds to consider deep frying your turkey. This year, we’ll live tweet (gobble?) our own turkey fry and offer last minute help with yours.
- 211.11.11New Bud Light Platinum Not So Light, But It’s Blue!
Belgian-owned Anheuser-Busch InBev is adding some bling to one of its most popular beers. Bud Light Platinum will be the newest addition to the brewer’s beer fridge as they aim to appeal to “upscale light beer” drinkers.
- 010.24.11Say Hello to Beeri, the Siri Controlled Beer Server
The first time I tried Siri on my iPhone I wondered who would be the first beer nerds that would be able to turn the voice-recognition assistant into a beer-fetching wench. The guys at RedPepper have created Beeri to serve this frosty purpose.
- 010.24.11The Elusive McRib Makes a Comeback
The McRib, the elusive sandwich that has inspired a cult-like following, is back. McDonald’s announced Monday that the boneless barbecue pork sandwich, usually available in only a few stores at a time, will be sold at all U.S. locations through Nov. 14. Get one now before the animal it’s made from becomes extinct!
- 09.28.11Ken Burns On Prohibition
Documentation and iMovie special effect Ken Burns has turned his insightful eye to alcohol. PBS will begin airing his new three-part, five-and-a-half-hour documentary film Prohibition on Sunday, October 2nd.