Sizzling Bacon Candles

by David Lauterbach
2010 November 11

You know what’s great about bacon? Everything! Well, health-wise, bacon leaves a lot to be desired, oh… and there is that greasy sheen you get on your forehead from eating too much of it, but just smelling bacon is possibly one of the most amazing things in the world.

If you can’t whip out a skillet and do a quick fry-up, these bacon scented candles may satisfy (or worsen, we’re not sure) your baconated cravings.

According to ThinkGeek–who has become the purveyor of everything good about bacon–these are not made like other scented candles (from cheap Chinese wax, filled with a chemical cocktail of synthetic furanones and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). These premium scented candles are long-lasting and made from actual rendered bacon fat using a top-secret process that preserves bacon’s natural aromas and essential oils.

Actual rendered bacon fat!

Sizzling Bacon Candles for $15 from ThinkGeek.

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