St. Patrick’s Day: “Céad Míle Fáilte” One Hundred Thousand Welcomes

by Mark Higgins
2009 February 16

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Guinness Corned Beef
Traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage
Pressure Cooked Corned Beef and Cabbage
Irish Soda Bread
Corned Beef Hash #18
Guinness Ice Cream


Bailey’s Coffee

Pour a hot cup of coffee.
Add Bailey’s Irish Cream in place of milk.


Belly Buddy Ed McShea just started making this and it’s amazing.

8-10 oz. Irish whiskey
1 can condensed milk
1 can evaporated milk
1 tablespoon chocolate syrup (to taste)

Mix ingredients in a blender. Serve very cold.

Irish Coffee

1 oz. of Irish whiskey
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 spoon of whipped cream or fresh cream
Strong, hot coffee to fill the glass

Pre-warm a stemmed glass. Add the whiskey then add the sugar and stir in the coffee.

If using fresh cream, pour it over the back of a spoon and down the side of the glass so it floats on top. This is the traditional method. You can also use a dollop of whipped dessert cream.

Drink the coffee through the cream… do not stir after adding it.

Black & Tan

16 oz. pint glass
8 oz. Guinness
8 oz. Bass (can also be Harp, but Bass is traditional)

Pour the Bass in to the glass to the half-way point. Now pour the Guinness over the back of the spoon and into the glass so that it sits on top of the Bass. Enjoy.

Irish Car Bomb

1/2 glass Guinness Stout
a shot of Bailey’s Irish Cream
a shot of Jameson Irish Whiskey

From the Jameson Website:

Jameson What’s The Rush

This most recent Jameson long drink creation is for people who hadn’t thought of drinking whiskey before.

Begin with three cubes of ice in a tall glass and pour in one measure of Jameson. Next add three measures of 7UP or Sprite and one dash of apple juice. Stir and garnish with an orange slice.

Jameson Slow & Sour

This long drink provides a nice change-of-pace for whiskey sour drinkers.

Pour a measure of Jameson, the juice of a lemon, one teaspoon of powdered sugar and ice into a cocktail shaker. Shake well, pour into a chilled glass and add a lemon twist to decorate.

Jameson Ginger Classic

This is an ideal drink for Irish whiskey drinkers who prefer to take a bit of time while savoring the smoothness of their Jameson.

Start with three cubes of ice in a tall glass and pour in one measure of Jameson. Next add three measures of ginger ale and stir gently.

Irish Whiskey’s and Beers (and a few wannabees) with links to our reviews and brewers & bottlers websites.
Brew Reviews:
Caffrey’s Irish Ale
Murphy’s Irish Red
George Killian’s Irish Red

Offsite Links:
Guinness Caffrey's Harp Beamish
Guinness Website Caffrey’s Website Harp Website Beamish Website
Jameson Irish Whiskey Bailey's Irish Cream Bushmills Irish Whiskey Black Bush
Jameson Website Bailey’s Website Bushmills Website Black Bush Website

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