Entries by David

- 05.19.10Hamburgers Just Got Healthier
Not that it would have stopped most of us from devouring our favorite chopped steak, but a recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health says that the heart risk that has been associated with red meat does not come from steak, hamburgers and other non-processed cuts. Now for the bad news…
- 05.13.10WaveBox Portable Microwave for Hot Pockets on the go
Want to be the first guy at the job site to heat his pastrami sandwich in his high-tech lunchbox? How about the only one at the office who cooks his Ramen at his desk? For me, I just want to heat a few frozen White Castle’s in my garage without my significant other knowing. Meet the WaveBox, a 600-watt, AC/DC-powered instant kitchen.
- 14.28.10Science Says: R-Rated Movies May Lead to Early Drinking
According to a study in the Journal of Studies (on Alcohol and Drugs), children who aren’t allowed to watch R-rated movies are much less likely to start drinking at an early age. Turns out, alcohol consumption appears in about 90 percent of R-rated movies, and that’s fine with me.
- 04.26.10Northern Ireland Gets Guinness Black Lager
Here in the U.S., we get 7-Eleven’s Game Day beer… Northern Ireland gets to test a new lager from the brewery that made stout famous. Guinness Black Lager has been introduced to–and is on trial at–400 bars across Northern Ireland.
- 14.18.107-Eleven to Sell Their Own Beer: Game Day
According to an article on CNN, the battle over shelf space in chilly glass refrigerators is about to heat up with the entrance of a new brew at 7-Eleven. The 6,000-strong convenience store chain is making a private label brew called “Game Day.”
- 04.15.10Sam Adams: 25 Years of Beers
Maine and Massachusetts celebrate a relatively unknown holiday outside their corner of the United States called Patriot’s Day, which commemorates two battles in the Revolutionary War that were fought near Boston in 1775. Turns out the rest of us in the country have a good reason to celebrate this April 19th, for it marks the 25th anniversary of The Boston Beer Company.
- 04.14.10Recycled Beer Bottle Glasses: Functional Trash
Windy City Glass are purveyors of some unique glassware. They sell 6 packs (or fewer) of Recycled Beer Bottle Drinking Glasses, including brands like Grolsh, Fat Tire, Rolling Rock, Heineken and Mickey’s.
- 04.10.10Super-High Alcohol Beer: Sink the Bismarck!
Thanks to a war between European brewing companies, it’s never been easier to catch a healthy beer buzz. Or get yourself totally sloshed. Scottish microbrewery BeerDog is releasing Sink the Bismarck!, a beer that weighs in at 41% ABV.
- 14.2.10Biohazard Drinkware
Polluted Glasses are 10 oz. glasses shaped like a 55-gallon barrels with etched radioactive signs on them.
- 03.26.10Brewzer Keychain Pocket Tool
The Brewzer Keychain Pocket Tool from PocketToolX may be the only keychain bottle opener that you will ever need. It is made out of high-grade, long-lasting, hardened stainless steel and has a slick beer bottle shaped hole to clip it on your keyring.
- 03.25.10Popdrive Bottle Opener Thumb Drive
Another integration of technology into our everyday bottle openers… this time, for the geeks. The Popdrive Bottle Opener has an integrated 1 GB thumb drive.
- 13.23.10Mosquitos May Be Attracted to Beer Drinkers
A limited study in Africa has found a connection between mosquitos and beer. Scientists in someplace named Burkina Faso had men drink either a locally brewed beer or tap water. They found that the mosquitos were more attracted to the beer drinkers than the teetotalers.
- 13.23.10Click Here For Beer
I can’t tell you how often I kick back to watch a movie with a tall, cold bottle of beer, power up the home theater, and… crap… no bottle opener. Oh, how I wish my remote control had a bottle opener in it.
- 13.17.10Green Beer, Bagels and Bacon for Paddy
It’s St. Patrick’s Day. Time to get your green on. Most people get into the spirit with green clothes or accessories or beer… but there are those who dye everything around them an emerald hue.
- 03.11.10Craft Beer Sales Up Despite Overall Beer Decline
National sales of craft beer grew 10.3 percent in 2009, despite the fact that overall beer sales in the United States fell by 2.2 percent, according to figures released Tuesday by the Brewers Association.