Entries by David

- 01.8.09New York Team Crushes Beer Pong Competition
When the dust, ping pong balls and beer foam had settled, only one team stood triumphant in The World Series of Beer Pong IV… New York’s “Smashing Time” came out on top, dominating the competition to win the grand prize of $50,000.
- 012.17.08Appetite for Seduction: BK’s New Fragrance
The way to a man’s heart may be through his stomach, but the way to a woman’s heart — according to Burger King — may be through a new meat-scented body spray.
- 012.6.08Tabasco: All In The Family
The Tabasco family consists of Green Pepper Sauce, Garlic Pepper Sauce, Habanero Pepper Sauce and a bottle of their Original Pepper Sauce. Turns out that great Tabasco heat comes in a variety of flavors.
- 112.5.08Prohibition Repealed!
December 5: On this date in 1933, the 21st amendment to the Constitution of the United States was ratified- the eighteenth article of the Constitution was hereby repealed and the noble experiment known as prohibition was no more.
- 112.5.08Buffalo Meat
We’ve had experience with several companies that deal with buffalo meat (American Bison) on the web. Here are two that we have ordered from and were very happy with what we got.
- 012.5.08The Original Tailgator Gas-Powerd Blender
At only 10 lbs., the Tailgator sports a 24cc 2-stroke engine which generates enough torque to whip up a pitcher of your favorite frozen beverage in just about 15 seconds.
- 2812.4.08Guinness Stout: Vitamin G in a Bottle
“Why don’t you have a review of Guinness on your site?” “Why don’t you have a review of Guinness on your site?” “Why don’t you have a review of Guinness on your site?” Sometimes our emails all start the same- “Dear Idiots, Why don’t you have a review of Guinness on your site?”
- 012.3.08v-Pod: Beer and TV, Together At Last
The Micro Matic v-POD is both your TV and your beer dispenser. Constructed of stainless steel and loaded with six taps and a 10-inch LCD.
- 012.3.08Hot Diggity Dogger
Pop two wieners and two buns into the specially shaped slots on the Hot Diggity Dogger and in just a few minutes you’ll be chomping on a wiener just the way you like it!
- 012.3.08Oriental Chef’s Knife
Never before have we seen a kitchen knife get as much press as the 8-inch Oriental Chef’s knife from Global. A few years back, it was in several magazines including Wired and Popular Science to name two, and no wonder… it looks like a prop out of a futuristic movie.
- 012.3.08Cutlery Mini Guide
When you’re looking to get yourself a knife or a set of knives, there are a few things you should consider before you make your purchase… “Will I use the size of the knife to threaten others? Will I be killing anyone? And if so, will I need to dismember the body?”
- 012.2.08Ted Nugent: Kill It & Grill It
Ted Nugent likes to say, “You can’t grill it until you kill it.” Well, even if you don’t kill it personally, now you can grill it just like the Nuge.
- 012.1.08Brian’s Belly Logo Items
Through the years, many of you have emailed and asked if we sell t-shirts and other things with our logo on them. Why, we don’t know. But we finally went out and hired some 7 year-olds and put them to work in our sweatshops. The results of their labor are below.
- 012.1.08Books by Alton Brown
Three great books by Food Network favorite Alton Brown are guaranteed to increase your foodipedia knowledge base and recipe repertoire.
- 011.28.0816 Turkey Fryer Videos
The folks at OObject have put together a list of 16 videos involving everything from proper use of a turkey fryer, to elaborate turkey fryer contraptions to deep fryin’ hillbillies holdin’ guns.