Entries by David

- 011.29.09Remote Controlled Beer Pager
Frequently loosing your beer at BBQ’s? This may be one electronic solution to the problem. The “Incredible Remote Controlled Beer Pager” locates your lost or stolen beer instantly.
- 111.29.09TAD Gear Folding Titanium Spork v2
Who says sporks are just for grade school? OK, no one said that, but I was thinking it… a thin, flimsy, plastic spork that I ate oh-so-many horrible USDA Grade-F meat meals with at the cafeteria table.
- 711.20.09How to Have Your Turkey, And Eat It Fried Too
If you’re a foodie, chef, or just plain daring, I bet you’ve been intrigued by the prospect of deep frying your turkey on Thanksgiving. The real problem is your family; probably your mom or a healthy loved one. “I don’t want my turkey fried for Thanksgiving” is an inevitable response you’ll hear when you tell the family that you’d like to deep fry this year.
- 011.12.09Deep Fried Turkey Videos From Alton Brown
Every time I think I want to turn our Deep Fried Turkey Guide in to a fantastically informative and funny video, I think of our buddy Alton Brown’s fry guide.
- 011.11.09Deep Fryer / Deep Fried Turkey Store
The best in turkey fryers and all the accessories you need to prepare your bird… all in one place.
- 211.11.09Pabst Brewing For Sale–And We Can Buy It
Pabst Brewing Company, the owner of Pabst Blue Ribbon, Schlitz and other old-line beer brands, is on the sale block according to the New York Post… and someone is attempting to crowdsource the purchase of the company.
- 211.11.09Beer Bottle from Hindenburg World’s Most Expensive
A singed bottle of beer recovered from the ashes of the Hindenburg disaster in 1937 is expected to fetch between $4,000 to $8,000 at auction this weekend–the highest price ever for a bottle of beer.
- 011.10.09Wife-Carrier Wins Weight in Beer
Ten couples competed to win a wife-carrying contest at Hereford Racecourse in the UK this week. The 50-metre dash was held as part of the venue’s annual Beer and Cider day.
- 010.10.09Record Levels of Beer Consumed at Oktoberfest
According to the UK’s Metro, drinkers downed a record 6.5million litres of lager at this year’s Munich Oktoberfest–but it came at price.
- 010.8.09It’s About the Beer: Lance Armstong to Drink Michelob Ultra
Michelob Ultra announced recently that they signed cycling dude Lance Armstrong to a three-year agreement to become the brand’s new spokes-person (get it!?).
- 19.17.09Guinness Pub Finder App for iPhone: Fail!
Guinness recently introduced a pint-sized iPhone app called the Guinness® Pub Finder. The main feature is nice… little Guinness pints locate bars around you on a Google map that serve Guinness. But some faults make the $2 app a waste of good beer money.
- 09.15.09Samuel Adams Octoberfest
As I sit here, leaves are beginning to fall from the trees… some of them right into my beer mug. Although the crisp days of autumn are not quite upon us yet here in New York, I recognize that the Octoberfest is the perfect beer for today’s climate. This seasonal German style lager is hitting the spot.
- 18.30.09Low-Calorie Brews Also Low on Flavor
You’ve heard the hype about low calorie counts, but how do these new beers taste? What happens when you drastically reduce calories? The Chicago Tribune did what we here at Brian’s Belly wanted to do… assembled a panel of taste testers.
- 28.23.09Corned Beef Hash Challenge
Simon at his Norfolk Single Dad Blog has been entrenched in his “Corned Beef Hash Challenge,” whereby he found a dozen or so corned beef hash recipes on the web and is pitting them up against each other. Our own recipe is hashing it out with the internet’s best creations.
- 28.21.09Team-Color Bud Cans Upset Some College Students
According to the Wall Street Journal (and other sources) dozens of colleges are up in arms over a new Anheuser-Busch marketing campaign that features Bud Light beer cans emblazoned with local schools’ team colors. Stupid promotion, or stupid reaction to the promotion?