Winter Brew Overview
The winter brews that are lining the shelves look so enticing, but which should you choose? Let us help you decide which is naughty and which is nice for all your seasonal drinking needs.
The winter brews that are lining the shelves look so enticing, but which should you choose? Let us help you decide which is naughty and which is nice for all your seasonal drinking needs.
It’s the most wonderful time of the beer. Just the other day, I commented that MillerCoors’ Blue Moon “doesn’t suck, but I don’t really care for it.” So I was surprised to find myself buying a six-pack of their seasonal beer called Full Moon.
Aventinus is one of the biggest, boldest, baddest wheat beers to ever come out of Germany — here’s why…
A gathering of six the Belly Buddies for the Leonids meteor shower in November yielded the perfect opportunity to purchase a winter sampler pack to see for ourselves if such a specialty pack is tasteful enough to bring to the next holiday party you attend.
While hosting a recent holiday party, Belly Buddy Mark Higgins gave me a naked lady bottle opener. Not that my wife agrees, but I thought that was pretty special. And as if they were thinking ahead, Belly Buddy Dave Lauterbach brought a case of Sam Adams Winter Classics.
St.Arnold Christmas Ale is sweet and soft, but generally uninspired and it shows some oddities. Here’s why I’d pass on it and wait for better Christmas brews…
If you’ve got a hankering for a bold sweet malty brew with a flavor bigger than the Lone Star State itself, head on over to Shiner Winter Ale country!
It was in California, on a warm 72 degree December afternoon that I discovered Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Ale.
Every winter I get excited to see the seasonal beers on the shelves, but for the past three years or so I have searched for, but not been able to find, Pete’s Wicked Winter Brew.