Entries tagged ‘opener’

- 112.4.16The Mamba Bar Tool
A few years back, I was enamored by the Snake Bite, an ultra-sleek bottle opener that doubles as my keyring. But I never used the “portable” opener in my home bar. Enter the Mamba.
- 011.13.14Snake Bite: Forked Church Key & Bottle Opener
We’ll be blunt: there are hundreds of nice bottle openers on the market and dozens that we’d love to have in our pockets or using in our home bars. But the fork-toothed Original Snake Bite is anything but blunt.
- 04.27.12Brewsees: Fashionable Eyewear That Opens Your Beer
You’ve heard of beer goggles, right? How about goggles that open your beer? A company with a forward-drinking attitude has created Brewsees, a stylish pair of sunglasses with a built in bottle opener.
- 07.13.10Beer Bottle-Opening Shirt Gets Robotic Too
Only minutes after posting about the future of beer and the robots that will serve us, I got an email from ThinkGeek about their BeerBot Bottle Opening Shirt. Ah, robots… is there anything you won’t be able to do?
- 03.25.10Popdrive Bottle Opener Thumb Drive
Another integration of technology into our everyday bottle openers… this time, for the geeks. The Popdrive Bottle Opener has an integrated 1 GB thumb drive.
- 13.23.10Click Here For Beer
I can’t tell you how often I kick back to watch a movie with a tall, cold bottle of beer, power up the home theater, and… crap… no bottle opener. Oh, how I wish my remote control had a bottle opener in it.