Entries tagged ‘lager’

- 12.1.11Walgreens Serves Big Flats Lager: Two Beers for a Buck
National drugstore chain Walgreens has gotten into the beer business. Starting in December, the Illinois-based retailer began offering a house brand called Big Flats 1901, noted for its affordability: 50 cents a can, or $2.99 for a six pack.
- 07.3.09Wingwalker Lager
B.J. King’s Wingwalker Lager is a bit of an odd man out. It is called a “fully krausened” pilsner, but right in the name is the word lager. The label says both, and adds that it has smooth hops. I have to say that it is more like a light IPA gone wrong. I was […]
- 213.30.09Dos Equis Amber: First World Flavor from a Third World Beer
Dos Equis Amber is actually classified as a lager, but it has the body and bouquet of a fine amber ale. It’s something like a Newcastle Brown Ale mixed with Sam Adams. Most interestingly it seems to have less carbonation and/or gas than your average lager.
- 31.13.09Harp Lager, Quarters for the Meter, and Heaps o’ Trouble
It was the kind of day you can’t plan–it just evolved organically. And Harp Lager was the centerpiece of our whole misguided adventure.
- 01.15.01Yuengling Lager
Philadelphia is widely considered the United States’ most patriotic city (sorry Boston). Everywhere you go are the remnants of history and heroism. From the Liberty Bell to Valley Forge, Philly is fiercely loyal to its heritage. Therefore it makes sense that it is impossibly loyal to the oldest brewery in America-The Yuengling Brewery.