Entries tagged ‘hot dog’

- 27.4.11Joey Chestnut Wins 5th Straight Title at Coney Island
Joey “Jaws” Chestnut maintained his relished title today, winning his fifth straight mustard belt in Coney Island’s hot dog eating contest. Chestnut choked down 62 dogs and water-soaked buns on Nathan’s Famous stage – falling short of his 2009 world record of 68 dogs but ending with a healthy nine dog lead over his nearest […]
- 17.4.10Joey Chestnut Still Top Dog at Coney Island
Competitive eater Joey Chestnut has held on to his title and the Yellow Mustard belt at the 95th annual Fourth of July hot dog eating contest at New York’s Coney Island. Chestnut chomped down on 54 hot dogs in 10 minutes on Sunday to win the annual Nathan’s International Hot Dog Eating Contest for the […]
- 05.19.10Hamburgers Just Got Healthier
Not that it would have stopped most of us from devouring our favorite chopped steak, but a recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health says that the heart risk that has been associated with red meat does not come from steak, hamburgers and other non-processed cuts. Now for the bad news…
- 14.18.107-Eleven to Sell Their Own Beer: Game Day
According to an article on CNN, the battle over shelf space in chilly glass refrigerators is about to heat up with the entrance of a new brew at 7-Eleven. The 6,000-strong convenience store chain is making a private label brew called “Game Day.”
- 17.4.09Chesnut Eats 68 Dogs at Coney Island; Elephants Immediately Trample New Record
Joey Chestnut, a.k.a. Jaws, won the 2009 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating contest in Coney Island, New York. The three time defending champion ate his way through the 94th annual contest on the Fourth of July after choking down 68 dogs in 10 minutes–a new world record.
- 66.22.09Get Yer Hot Dogs Here
Wieners. Foot-longs. Red-hots. No matter what you call ’em, they’re all hot dogs- and the official food of summertime needs no introduction. But since July is National Hot Dog Month we thought we’d give you a little background on the tasty little meat pack that is rich in history and is about more than the lips, assholes and old shoes you thought.
- 25.19.09Barbecue Season is Here: 5 Things Not to Buy at Brookstone
I received an email yesterday from Brookstone promoting the tools and accessories they sell for “a successful BBQ.” I took one look at some of the crappy things they were pushing and decided to list the caveats of 5 items that jumped out at me… maybe the things you wouldn’t think about before you purchase these–either for yourself or for a gift.
- 012.3.08Hot Diggity Dogger
Pop two wieners and two buns into the specially shaped slots on the Hot Diggity Dogger and in just a few minutes you’ll be chomping on a wiener just the way you like it!
- 011.16.08Blimey’s Canine Kraut – A Recipe In Two Acts
Join us now for a new style in recipe delivery as Mike Best conveys Blimey’s Canine Kraut recipe through the timeless art of storytelling with his tale of Jacko and Bridge, an odd pair to say the least, as they stumble through the Australian outback in search of a hearty meal.
- 07.4.08Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Competition Goes to Tie-Breaker
World-record holder and defending champion Joey “Jaws” Chestnut held on to his hot dog-eating title Friday in an unprecedented tie-breaker at Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July contest. Chestnut, of San Jose, California, beat rival Takeru “The Tsunami” Kobayashi, of Japan, in a “dog off” in Coney Island where the two contestants battled to see who […]