BrewDog’s Potent “End of History” Sold in Dead Animals

by David Lauterbach
2010 July 28

Brewdog TaxidermyThe guys at BrewDog have outdone themselves… yet again. ย Their latest beer, The End of History, is the strongest beer brewed to date. ย Oh, and it’s sold in stuffed grey squirrels. ย Wearing kilts.

Back in April, the crew brought us Sink the Bismark! an Imperial Pale Ale that was 41% alcohol by volume… which was the strongest beer in the world. Not long after that, a German company named Schorschbrau released a beer that was 43% A.B.V.

Since A.B.V. technology seems to be moving at light-speed this year, the BrewDog crew has released another beer that blows previous alcohol levels off the breathalyzer. ย The End of History, at 55% A.B.V is a blond Belgian ale infused with nettles from the Scottish Highland and fresh juniper berries. Each $768 (U.S.) bottle comes with a certificate of authenticity and comes in a bottle presented in a stuffed stoat or squirrel that was created by “a very talented taxidermist.”

Only 11 bottles were made… and were sold. ย You’ll never get to taste beer from a road-kill squirrel… unless you make one yourself.

You can still buy their 32% Tactical Nuclear Penguin and the 41% Sink the Bismarck! from their site.

For more on The End of History, visit the BrewDog blog.

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