Anheuser-Busch Adds Lime to Bud Light

by David Lauterbach
2008 March 8

In a copy-cat move to keep up with Miller Brewing and their somewhat successful “Chill” beer, the nation’s biggest brewer is adding a twist of lime to its flagship brew Bud Light to help add some fizz in the face of stagnant demand. 

The company will roll out the drink with a $35 million marketing campaign just in time for the BBQ season, featuring TV ads and outdoor signs. 

The new drink came after years of consumer research that showed customers wanted the occasional flavored drink for special occasions, a company shill said. 

The new drink will sell at a premium price of $1 to $1.50 more a six-pack. That price doesn’t necessarily reflect the cost of pure lime juice added to each bottle, but the price consumer are willing to pay for a more “upscale” drink. 

‘Cause, you know, limes are upscale. 

Read the full story at MSNBC

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