Are you bad at getting your steak the right doneness for you and your guests? Doing 10 things at once with a beer in your hand while you’re cooking? The Charcoal Companion Steak Station 4-Probe Steak Thermometer may help sort out the confusion.
The Steak Station can help you keep track of up to four different steaks at once. It has a 4 color probe system that allows you to keep track of your desired degrees of doneness in up to four steaks.
Temperatures range from 115 to 170 F on a scale of rare to well.
At only $20, the Steak Station Thermometer
seems like a good deal. Not a fan of digital probes? Try a set of 4 Steak Button Thermometers
, a small-ish, reusable $12 analog thermometer set.
Available at Amazon: Steak Station Thermometer and the Steak Button Thermometers