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Another integration of technology into our everyday bottle openers… this time, for the geeks. The Popdrive Bottle Opener has an integrated 1 GB thumb drive.
I can’t tell you how often I kick back to watch a movie with a tall, cold bottle of beer, power up the home theater, and… crap… no bottle opener. Oh, how I wish my remote control had a bottle opener in it.
This fancy Kitchen Cutlery Clock emphasizes the space between meals with a starburst of shimmering kitchen utensils fanned out around a sleek clock face.
Treat your minor cuts, scrapes and scratches with the incredible healing power of meat. The sterile Bacon Strips are cut to look like small slabs of bacon.
The irresistible allure of bacon has crossed over into the world of fashion with this bacon watch.
A fun addition to your boogie nights, or a lame disco duck?
At only 10 lbs., the Tailgator sports a 24cc 2-stroke engine which generates enough torque to whip up a pitcher of your favorite frozen beverage in just about 15 seconds.
Pop two wieners and two buns into the specially shaped slots on the Hot Diggity Dogger and in just a few minutes you’ll be chomping on a wiener just the way you like it!
Through the years, many of you have emailed and asked if we sell t-shirts and other things with our logo on them. Why, we don’t know. But we finally went out and hired some 7 year-olds and put them to work in our sweatshops. The results of their labor are below.