
  • Can a drink a day keep the pounds away? Perhaps for the ladies. New research suggests that women who regularly consume moderate amounts of alcohol are less likely to gain weight than nondrinkers and are at lower risk for obesity.

  • If brewers could make a zero-calorie beer, would you even want it? More and more big-label brewers are trying to wring calories from popular brands of beer. Why? Because sales of light and ultra-light beers are up and brewers keep trying to go lower. As advances in beer science (and marketing) continue, consumers keep buying the stuff.

  • The Super Bowl® commercials have always been at least as popular as the game. People who don’t really watch football (I usually get bored around the 3rd period) watch the biggest game of the year so they can see what the ad wizards have come up with for $6 million dollars a minute (actual guesstimated rate). And what of beer?

  • Do you like beer? Do you have a functioning cardiovascular system? A Tacoma, Washington based blood center offers donors a deal: Give a pint of blood, get a pint of beer.

  • It’s the most wonderful time of the beer. Just the other day, I commented that MillerCoors’ Blue Moon “doesn’t suck, but I don’t really care for it.” So I was surprised to find myself buying a six-pack of their seasonal beer called Full Moon.

  • For whatever reason, Blue Moon wheat beer–brewed by MillerCoors–is one of the hottest-selling “craft” brews by a major bottler, but Anheuser-Busch is angling to cut in on that growth with its new Bud Light Golden Wheat. Only two months after its debut, the new wheat beer has nearly matched Blue Moon’s monthly sales.

  • The Boston Beer Company, known for many quality beer styles and a cult of craft beer that now borders on being mainstream, recently released their 2009 batch of Samuel Adams Utopias. Utopias is the flagship brew of their “extreme” beer line.

  • Space, the final frontier. A few years ago, Sapporo of Japan boldly sent some barley where no one had sent barley before… “outer” space; and recently “Space Barley” splashed down.

  • Who says sporks are just for grade school? OK, no one said that, but I was thinking it… a thin, flimsy, plastic spork that I ate oh-so-many horrible USDA Grade-F meat meals with at the cafeteria table.

  • If you’re a foodie, chef, or just plain daring, I bet you’ve been intrigued by the prospect of deep frying your turkey on Thanksgiving. The real problem is your family; probably your mom or a healthy loved one. “I don’t want my turkey fried for Thanksgiving” is an inevitable response you’ll hear when you tell the family that you’d like to deep fry this year.

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