Entries tagged ‘Octoberfest’

- 110.8.10Oktoberfest Sets Record for Beer Consumption
Visitors to the Munich Oktoberfest this year drank their way into the history books by downing 7 million liters of beer. The total number of visitors was estimated at 6.4 million. I’m not great at math, but that’s like a liter of beer for every man, woman and child.
- 39.8.10Oktoberfest Begins September 18th
I guess Septemberfest didn’t have the same ring to it. The 177th annual Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany is preparing the kegs, tents and big-ass pretzels for the opening ceremonies on September 18, 2010
- 010.10.09Record Levels of Beer Consumed at Oktoberfest
According to the UK’s Metro, drinkers downed a record 6.5million litres of lager at this year’s Munich Oktoberfest–but it came at price.
- 09.15.09Samuel Adams Octoberfest
As I sit here, leaves are beginning to fall from the trees… some of them right into my beer mug. Although the crisp days of autumn are not quite upon us yet here in New York, I recognize that the Octoberfest is the perfect beer for today’s climate. This seasonal German style lager is hitting the spot.
- 69.5.09Spaten Oktoberfest
Spaten Ur-Oktoberfest is one of the finest amber lagers that you can buy. Taste a bottle and I think you’ll agree.
- 39.1.09Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen
Looking for something with a nice, malty, nutty flavor but that’s not too strong? Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen might be the brew for you!
- 09.14.08Pete’s Wicked Oktoberfest
I like Pete’s. It’s a good, smooth, soft, malty tasting beer that brings a bit of the flavor of Oktoberfest to everyday drinking.