Entries tagged ‘Nathan’s’

- 27.4.11Joey Chestnut Wins 5th Straight Title at Coney Island
Joey “Jaws” Chestnut maintained his relished title today, winning his fifth straight mustard belt in Coney Island’s hot dog eating contest. Chestnut choked down 62 dogs and water-soaked buns on Nathan’s Famous stage – falling short of his 2009 world record of 68 dogs but ending with a healthy nine dog lead over his nearest […]
- 17.4.09Chesnut Eats 68 Dogs at Coney Island; Elephants Immediately Trample New Record
Joey Chestnut, a.k.a. Jaws, won the 2009 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating contest in Coney Island, New York. The three time defending champion ate his way through the 94th annual contest on the Fourth of July after choking down 68 dogs in 10 minutes–a new world record.
- 66.22.09Get Yer Hot Dogs Here
Wieners. Foot-longs. Red-hots. No matter what you call ’em, they’re all hot dogs- and the official food of summertime needs no introduction. But since July is National Hot Dog Month we thought we’d give you a little background on the tasty little meat pack that is rich in history and is about more than the lips, assholes and old shoes you thought.
- 07.4.08Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Competition Goes to Tie-Breaker
World-record holder and defending champion Joey “Jaws” Chestnut held on to his hot dog-eating title Friday in an unprecedented tie-breaker at Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July contest. Chestnut, of San Jose, California, beat rival Takeru “The Tsunami” Kobayashi, of Japan, in a “dog off” in Coney Island where the two contestants battled to see who […]