Entries tagged ‘Brewers Association’

- 11.12.11Brewers Association Redefines “Craft Brewer”
The Brewers Association has voted to change their designation of “small” in its definition of a “craft brewer” and ups the amount of beer that an independent brewery can produce.
- 03.11.10Craft Beer Sales Up Despite Overall Beer Decline
National sales of craft beer grew 10.3 percent in 2009, despite the fact that overall beer sales in the United States fell by 2.2 percent, according to figures released Tuesday by the Brewers Association.
- 28.18.09Craft Beer Sales Rise
National sales of craft beer rose 9 percent in the first half of 2009 despite the economic downturn, the Brewers Association reported recently. Take that, Big Beer!
- 05.4.09American Craft Beer Week is May 11-17
America’s small and independent craft brewers are making special plans for the annual American Craft Beer Week (May 11-17), a national celebration highlighting the culture and contributions of craft beer.