With the year of Back to the Future Part II coming to a close, it’s time to look ahead to the next big date in sci-fi, flying-car, future history. 2019 marks the year of Blade Runner and it’s time to get ready for it.
Fortunately for us, the glass with a unique square design andย diagonal cuts wasn’t just a prop. Designed by Cini Boeri in Italy for Arnolfo Di Cambio, this isn’t just a replicant of the famous crystal glass that Harrison Ford used in the movie Blade Runner… it’s the real thing. Director Ridley Scott chose this glass created in 1972 for the 1982 movie; and lucky for us the double old fashioned tumbler glass is still produced today. Deckard can be seen “discussing his return” over a good stiff glass of Johnnie Walker Black (also in a fancy 2019-esque bottle) before he decides that maybe he’s not so retired after all.
I couldn’t find a U.S. company that sells them, so be prepared to pay… not just because they are stunningly beautiful hand-blown (mouth-blown?) crystal, but they have to come from overseas for those of us here in the United States. Try Houzz or Firebox or Amazon UK. Approx $179 for a set of two. Houzz also has a smaller replicant of the original for $158 for a set of two.
Sit back with a glass of whiskey, crank up the Vangelis and day dream about electric sheep. Get yours before it is lost in time, like tears… in… rain. Time to drink.
P.S. Did you hear about Hollywood? They are all out of ideas.ย Blade Runner 2.