All Recipes

  • 1 Jaegerschnitzel
    3.75 average, 12 votes

    Every fall, me and a couple of friends head to the great outdoors and take to the woods for hunting season. We’re deer hunters, and the thrill of the kill is in our blood. But it is what’s in our bellies that counts… and our traditional meal the night before the hunt is jaegerschnitzel.

  • 1 Caribou Steak
    4.20 average, 5 votes

    What the hell is a caribou, and why would you want to eat one? Because you can. Rudolph was a red-nosed caribou, and what an annoying little bastard he was (‘She thinks I’m cute’). He deserved to be eaten.

  • 1 Shrimpy Jalapeno Buggers
    3.25 average, 4 votes

    I first enjoyed this morsel in a funky restaurant/bar downtown in Manhattan. They are a terrific starter or a party dish. The level of heat depends on the heat of the pepper. These little buggers can burn you mouth so be careful, especially if you’re using the merciless peppers of Quetzlzacatenango! Grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum.

  • 0 Belly Rub
    3.39 average, 23 votes

    Here is an all purpose dry-rub recipe that is sure to please all of the subjects at your next barbecue. To make it interesting, we’ve included an easy to follow pork spare rib recipe.