Entries by David

- 06.27.08Anheuser-Busch Stops Alcoholic Energy Drinks
Sure is a LOT of A-B in the news lately. Anheuser-Busch will reformulate its alcoholic energy drinks to remove caffeine and other stimulants they contain as part of a nationwide legal settlement. An investigation by attorneys general of 11 states found the largest U.S. brewer was marketing its caffeinated alcoholic beverages to minors and misrepresenting […]
- 06.26.08Anheuser-Busch to Reject InBev; Drink American Stands Down from Boycott
In a move that has surprised many (including us) it’s been reported that Anheuser-Busch plans to reject InBev’s unsolicited $46.3 billion takeover offer, saying it undervalues the company. DrinkAmerican.US had more to say about this.
- 06.22.08Two Six-Packs of Truly American Beers for the 4th of July
We just updated our new Buddy site Drink American with a new article on some of the beers you should look for to replace your Budweiser consumption on the 4th of July weekend if you’re participating in the AB sale boycott. “To help get you started in your quest to Drink American, here is a list of […]
- 06.19.08Call to Action! Drink American Officially Proposes Boycott
Strikes and boycotts quite frequently do absolutely no good. We see them all the time and pay them no mind. The plights of the supporters go unheard of or dismissed due to a minority interest or only a local following. But, my fellow Americans, we are not in the minority. We are patriots and this […]
- 06.19.08$65 a BUD (NYSE)
The head of Belgian brewer InBev NV visited Capitol Hill Tuesday to promote his company’s takeover of Anheuser-Busch to skeptical lawmakers and told reporters the $65 a share offer is the highest it would bid. At that price per share, the deal would be worth about $46.3 billion. At the meeting Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill […]
- 05.26.08Brian’s Belly Launches DrinkAmerican.US
News outlets recently began reporting about the unsolicited bid by Belgian brewer InBev to purchase American icon Anheuser-Busch, the brewers of Budweiser beer and other favorites. This sale would create the world’s fourth-largest consumer products company and in the process, eliminate the last American owned, large scale brewery. Annoyed by the fact that nothing “seems” […]
- 05.13.08Driver Buckles Beer in Car, Not Child
DARWIN, Australia (AP) — An Australian driver who secured a carton of beer in his car with a seat belt but left a 5-year-old child unrestrained was fined $710. Constable Wayne Burnett said he was “shocked and appalled” when he pulled over the unregistered car on Friday in the central Australian town of Alice Springs. […]
- 04.30.08G4’s New Show Might Have You Hurling Too
G4 is taking competitive eating competitions to the next level with a new series that combines speed-eating with intense physical challenges. In each episode of “Hurl,” five brave contestants attempt to consume the largest quantity of food in a short amount of time and are then immediately subjected to a series of challenges designed to […]
- 04.23.08Cost of Beer Causing Brew-ha-ha
A worldwide shortage of hops – a key ingredient in most brews – and rising prices for malted barley have pushed up the cost beer. Add global warming to that equation and precious, life-sustaining beer is becoming a luxury item. According to Gothamist, this past year has seen a drought in Australia, flooding in Germany, […]
- 04.9.08Samuel Adams Recalls Some Brew
Boston Beer Co., the Boston brewer of Samuel Adams craft beers, said it is recalling an undetermined amount of beer because of defective bottles that may contain glass particles. The company said the defective bottles came from a glass company that provides Boston Beer with about a quarter of its glass bottles. The “small grains […]
- 03.8.08Anheuser-Busch Adds Lime to Bud Light
In a copy-cat move to keep up with Miller Brewing and their somewhat successful “Chill” beer, the nation’s biggest brewer is adding a twist of lime to its flagship brew Bud Light to help add some fizz in the face of stagnant demand. The company will roll out the drink with a $35 million marketing […]
- 03.8.08Yet Another Study: Drinking is Good For You
Everybody off the wagon! People who do not drink alcohol may finally have a reason to start — a study published on Friday shows non-drinkers who begin taking the occasional tipple live longer and are less likely to develop heart disease. People who started drinking in middle age were 38 percent less likely to have […]
- 03.5.08Broken Lizard’s “The Slammin’ Salmon”
Michael Clarke Duncan will star in comedy troupe Broken Lizard’s fifth film, “The Slammin’ Salmon.” The movie is set in a Miami restaurant owned by Cleon “Slammin’” Salmon (Duncan), a brutal former heavyweight boxing champion who institutes a competition to see which waiter can earn the most money in one night. Broken Lizard returns to […]
- 12.24.08Absolutely Ridiculous Burger
A lot of recent emails to the site have started with “why aren’t you adding news anymore?” One anser to this wood be, because we are too drunk to type with any acurracccyie. Another answer is that the news has been boring us… talk about SAB Miller and Budweiser and the new beers that they […]
- 01.6.08Remote Control Beer Cooler
The problem with being a couch potato is that every once and a while you have to get up to grab a new beverage. Walk no longer. Make way for the world’s first remote controlled beer cooler. The RC Cooler Robot from Interactive Toy made its debut at the 2008 CES. It’s an inflatable cooler […]