Entries by David

- 32.20.09Guinness Prop 3-17 to Make St. Pat’s Official Holiday
Not that we don’t already celebrate St. Paddy’s day like the ordained father of all holiday’s, but this time of the year Guinness hauls out it’s campaign to promote Proposition 3-17, a mission to get one million signatures on their petition to make St. Patrick’s Day an official holiday.
- 02.19.09401-Keg Plan
If you’re a beer drinker, an investor, or a breathing human with an email account, you have likely received this note that you should have invested in beer instead of banks and return the cans for cash.
- 02.19.09Anheuser-Busch Kills Bud.tv
Anheuser-Busch pulled the plug on it’s $15 million broadband humor site Bud.tv. Visitors to the site now see only a snowy TV screen saying Bud.tv is no longer available.
- 22.16.09Killian’s Red: Kelly Green With Envy
For St. Patrick’s Day every year the buddies got together and honor our favorite saint by drinking ourselves into a stupor that would make any off-the-boat Irishman proud.
- 12.16.09Brian’s Belly Presents: Our Trip to Ireland
A few years back, we spent ten days drinking and driving our way around beautiful Ireland (on the wrong side of the road, we may add). We summarized the trip with this two minute short film… hope you enjoy toilet bowls.
- 02.13.09Beer Bottle Dominos
Here’s a fun video by way of Denmark, which according to Google translate “Involving a hulens mass beer bottles, a handful of mathematicians, Uls sleeping bags, all our undlingsfrebar café and absolute ingen, I repeat ingen offensive symbols!”
- 22.11.09Anheuser-Busch Drops “Born On” Date
According to STLToday.com, Anheuser-Busch is changing the way they view a beer’s shelf life. The brewer says it has realized that the 110-day limit might not be necessary. Why? I dunno, they’re wasting too much beer?
- 02.8.09Sierra Nevada Turns Beer Into Truck Fuel
Fairly green brewery Sierra Nevada just worked out a deal to turn beer by-products into fuel for their fleet of bio-friendly trucks using a fridge-sized refinery made by a company called E-fuel.
- 12.5.09Hopside Down Beer Glass
Are you a straight-from-the-bottle beer bottle drinker or do you like unique beer glasses? Or like me, are you a little of both? The Hopside Down glass gives you the look of drinking from a bottle that is upside- er, Hopside™ down.
- 02.1.09Troops in Iraq Get Beer for the Super Bowl
U.S. troops in Iraq will be allowed to drink two beers apiece for the Super Bowl, after the U.S. commander in Iraq, Army Gen. Ray Odierno, issued a waiver of the U.S. military’s strict prohibition on alcohol imbibing in the war zone.
- 11.29.09The Bacon Explosion
A recipe has recently surfaced on the web that is garnering more attention and web traffic than any White Castle stuffing recipe or Absolutely Ridiculous Burger ever could. That recipe is for the Bacon Explosion from BBQ Addicts.
- 01.24.09Cheers to 50 Years of Aluminum Beer Cans
MillerCoors is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the recyclable aluminum can. After many prototypes and several years in development, the first aluminum cans rolled off the line at the Coors Golden brewery on Jan. 22, 1959.
- 01.21.09Conan O’Brien and John Turturro Peddle Brew
Is star power enough to sell beer in hard times? For this year’s Super Bowl, Anheuser-Busch InBev and Heineken will be targeting beer drinkers with spots that feature Conan O’Brien and John Turturro.
- 11.12.09His ‘n Hers Nachos
My girlfriend likes healthy food… and I don’t. If this is also a food dilemma in your life, try these nachos with half-a-healthy twist.
- 01.8.09Belgweiser Slashes Jobs & Free Beer; Raises Prices
A few moves in the last few days and weeks by Belgweiser… job cuts totaling 1,400, beer price increases totaling 3.5% and a 100% reduction in free beer.