Entries tagged ‘Oktoberfest’

- 110.8.10Oktoberfest Sets Record for Beer Consumption
Visitors to the Munich Oktoberfest this year drank their way into the history books by downing 7 million liters of beer. The total number of visitors was estimated at 6.4 million. I’m not great at math, but that’s like a liter of beer for every man, woman and child.
- 39.8.10Oktoberfest Begins September 18th
I guess Septemberfest didn’t have the same ring to it. The 177th annual Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany is preparing the kegs, tents and big-ass pretzels for the opening ceremonies on September 18, 2010
- 010.10.09Record Levels of Beer Consumed at Oktoberfest
According to the UK’s Metro, drinkers downed a record 6.5million litres of lager at this year’s Munich Oktoberfest–but it came at price.
- 69.5.09Spaten Oktoberfest
Spaten Ur-Oktoberfest is one of the finest amber lagers that you can buy. Taste a bottle and I think you’ll agree.
- 39.1.09Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen
Looking for something with a nice, malty, nutty flavor but that’s not too strong? Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen might be the brew for you!
- 611.3.08Beck’s Oktoberfest: They Brew It Better In Boston
As I usually do when I write any review, I am sitting with my PowerBook, hunting and pecking my way through this copy with one hand and holding the beer of the month in the other. This particular month… Beck’s Oktoberfest.
- 09.14.08Pete’s Wicked Oktoberfest
I like Pete’s. It’s a good, smooth, soft, malty tasting beer that brings a bit of the flavor of Oktoberfest to everyday drinking.