Entries tagged ‘Holiday’

  • 111.9.1510 Turkey Tips for your Thanksgiving Deep Fry

    The popularity of our original recipe and guide for deep frying a turkey has prompted good comment discussion… there is a lot of great information. But that particular post became a knowledge-base of hard-to-find tips. So with that in mind, I re-read and culled the best information that may not be in our guide.

  • 111.8.10Sam Adams Launching Infinium “Champagne” Beer

    Boston Beer is launching a champagne-like brew later this month to prove that beer can be worthy of a New Year’s toast. The limited run beer, called Infinium, will be sold in 750-ml bottles with foil-covered cork tops, like champagne.

  • 012.1.09The Brian’s Belly Amazon Store

    In the past, a good deal of our links were to Amazon.com–so we decided to comb their virtual shelves for the Mc beer-lovin’ gifts you’ll love to give (and receive) and created the Brian’s Belly Amazon Store.