Entries tagged ‘hangover’

- 11.18.11Coffee and Aspirin May Still be the Best Hangover Cure
Scientists have confirmed what many people have suspected for years… if you need hangover relief, simply take some caffeine and a painkiller.
- 011.9.10What Alcohol Does to Your Brain and Body
Everyone seems to takes their cues on how alcohol affects the mind and body from an eclectic mix of knowledge: personal experience, pop culture, tall tales of long nights, the latest studies to make the news, and second-hand tips. Lifehacker posted a good meta-article culled from a few reliable sources about the science of alcohol and its effect on your brain and body when you drink.
- 03.5.10How To Get Drunk Without Suffering a Hangover
The dreaded morning-after feeling could be a thing of the past after scientists in South Korea came up with a technique that allows drinkers to avoid a hangover by adding extra oxygen to drinks.
- 112.29.09Alcohol Substitute Creates Buzz (Without the Hangover)
Would you like to spend the night drinking and not have to worry about the hangover the next morning? How about not even worrying about driving home? Just pop a pill to sober up and drive home.
- 512.28.09Hangover Medicine
Whether you’re new at this drinking thing or consider yourself an old pro like the Buddies do, there is one certain thing that we have in common… the hangover. Here’s a few simple things to keep you on your toes when you’re out drinking in the New Year.