Entries tagged ‘Animal House’

- 54.22.10Drunk Dozen: The Top Twelve Drinkinest Movies of All Time!
You say you enjoy drinking a six-pack on the couch while watching movies, but all these good-looking, sober, Hollywood-types make you feel like a lush? Well, loosen your belt, dust off your VCR and throw back a shot of our top-shelf vicarious video. It’s time for our Drunk Dozen: The Top Twelve Drinkinest Movies of All Time!
- 04.22.10National Lampoon’s Animal House
Delta fraternity has the worst house on campus, the worst incoming pledges and get the worst grades in school. But they know how to party. Single-handedly responsible for popularizing toga parties, this John Landis gem also brought binge-drinking, peeping toms, road trips, “Louie Louie” and Otis Day and the Nights back into vogue.