Entries tagged ‘A-B’

- 39.24.10A-B Offers Free Budweiser for National Happy Hour
Free beer. That usually grabs people’s attention. Belgian-owned Anheuser-Busch Inbev hopes that free beer — plus a boatload of advertising — will grab some new drinkers for its sagging flagship brand Budweiser.
- 28.21.09Team-Color Bud Cans Upset Some College Students
According to the Wall Street Journal (and other sources) dozens of colleges are up in arms over a new Anheuser-Busch marketing campaign that features Bud Light beer cans emblazoned with local schools’ team colors. Stupid promotion, or stupid reaction to the promotion?
- 22.11.09Anheuser-Busch Drops “Born On” Date
According to STLToday.com, Anheuser-Busch is changing the way they view a beer’s shelf life. The brewer says it has realized that the 110-day limit might not be necessary. Why? I dunno, they’re wasting too much beer?