Brian's Belly Communique and Mailing List Control

The Brian's Belly Communique keeps you up-to-date with occasional excerpts from our newsfeed, and includes other life-altering information. We WILL NEVER sell your email address, and our mailing frequency is less than once a month (Privacy Policy below).

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Privacy Policy: We hate email SPAM as much as we hate the luncheon meat SPAM. We do everything in our power to keep your address secure and will we NEVER give it to anyone. EVER. Our confimation system means that you will have to activate your email address to insure that you are the receiver of the emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. The frequency of our newsletter is less than once a month... we only send email when we have something interesting to say (or if the webmaster is drunk and he confuses you with an ex-girlfriend).