Snake Bite: Forked Church Key & Bottle Opener

by David Lauterbach
2014 November 13

The Original Snake BiteWe’ll be blunt: there are hundreds of nice bottle openers on the market and dozens that we’d love to have in our pockets or using in our home bars. But the fork-toothed Original Snake Bite is anything but blunt.

The Snake Bite is functional yet also something you would be proud to carry every day. Built on a steel split ring, the business end of the Snake Bite rotates out of its leather holster for striking your prey (either a beer bottle or can) and tucks back away after the attack so that it does no damage in your pocket.

Clever and unique are two things I like in a bottle opener, but what makes this one special is that the parts are 100% sourced and made in the USA, from the steel to the steer hide. And it’s handcrafted & assembled in St. Louis, Missouri.

Power drinkers (and power pourers) will appreciate using the teeth to vent a beverage vessel… say goodbye to can glug.

The Original Snake Bite is currently available only through KickStarter for $18 and will ship in December. Inventor Dan Peskorse tells me that right around the time the KickStarter ends on December 3rd (they were fully funded in 30 hours) that the Snake Bite will be available atย for $20.

Pardon us please, while we pay for beer...

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