Hey everyone,<br />
I just checked out this site, and I liked it very much; Hoegaarden is one of my favorite beers and cheers to anyone who appreciates it for its great sweet and sour yet smooth taste… but: a few great beers are missing from the list presented on this site. Warsteiner is one of them. Warsteiner is a German beer, and since ages the Germans think they make better beer than the Dutch, and vice versa. I’m Dutch, and I have to admit that Warsteiner is indeed the Queen of Beers (that’s their commercial tagline). It’s far better than anything that’s brewed in the Netherlands. Better than Heineken; even better than Brand (although the last one’s quite good). So, Warsteiner really deserves a "checking out" by anyone in the States, if it’s available there. Here it’s on draft in a few places, but also from the bottle it’s very very good. Drink it cooled (5 degrees Celsius). It’s the best! Cheers!<br />