Virtual Tammy Is Our New Favorite Bartender

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  • #7433
    David Lauterbach

    The super-geniuses at have created a must-see marketing campaign.<br />
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    The Virtual Bartender is an online video feature that allows visitors to interact with a beautiful barkeep and her friends just by typing in commands. When Tammy recognizes a command, such as "pour me a beer," "dance on the bar" or "fight like a Jedi," she happily carries out the task.<br />
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    The star of the bar is Tammy Plante, cover girl for Playboy’s College Girls issue this month. Unlike most blondes, Tammy won’t do anything you tell her to do. When I asked if I could give her a donkey punch, she looked at me quite confused, but luckilly "fuck my brains out," "take me up the ass," and "give me a hummer" led to more comical results.<br />
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    It turns out that she really only understands keywords, but it’s a lot more fun to type "ride me like a cowgirl" than "cowgirl." A few other keywords I found as I spent several wonderful hours getting to know Tammy are lapdance, pillow fight, suck, nuts and strip–although I found strip by typing "strip like the whore that you are" before shortening it.<br />
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    My favorite? "Rub Brian’s Belly."<br />
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    Feel free to post your own.<br />
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    <a href=""><strong>Visit Virtual Tammy</strong></a>

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