<strong>Brian’s Belly Handheld Channel: Week of September 1, 2003</strong><br />
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"Camilla, honey, nothing is too good for you. I mean, you are a beautiful chicken. And I know chickens." – Gonzo The Great, The Muppet Movie.<br />
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<strong>T H I S W E E K :</strong><br />
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According to PoultryAndEggNews.com (an actual website), September is National Chicken Month. National Chicken Month, or "ChickMo" as we call it here at headquarters, was invented by the National Chicken Council and the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (the other USPEA). They claim that Americans currently consume about 81 pounds of chicken per person, per year. Apparently, this is not enough for them, so they’ve gone and kicked it up a notch by giving chickens a month to celebrate their bountiful breasts and Buffalo wings. Come on people… you can do 90 pounds each this year. Just keep those adorable Chick-fil-A cows in mind… you know, the ones that urge you to "Eat Mor Chikin."<br />
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What came first… the chicken or the scrambled eggs? If you’re still excited about the ChickMo news, then you’d better sit down for this. September is also American Breakfast Month! That’s right, here in America we have nothing better to do than claim days, weeks and months for national celebration. And you don’t even have to fill out a form! Buy your Hallmark cards in advance for National Pancake Day, which is September 26… and just like Dave Barry, we SWEAR we are not making any of this up.<br />
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September is a great time to be an American. But just wait til October… when it’s National Brian’s Belly Month.