Nude Paris Hilton Burger Ad Called ‘Soft Porn’

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Home Page Forums Belly News Nude Paris Hilton Burger Ad Called ‘Soft Porn’

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  • #7554
    David Lauterbach

    OK, it’s not really a nude or naked or nipple-slipped ad with Paris Hilton, but I couldn’t resist using all those keywords.<br />
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    Last week’s release of a commercial for Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s–both owned by CKE Restaurants–has got the Parents Television Council’s eyeballs popping… and it’s not because the ad includes a spicy hot BBQ burger.<br />
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    [right:84e83aecca][/right:84e83aecca]The ad features Paris Hilton (<em>The Simple Life, The Paris Hilton Sex Video</em>) clad in a skimpy black swimsuit, sudsing up and hosing down a Bentley. While buffing the Bentley, she takes a bite of the bodacious BBQ burger.<br />
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    The Parent’s Television Council says the ad questions the "boundaries about what’s appropriate for TV." We here at Brian’s Belly think the ad raises several other questions, such as: "What do you pay a billionairess to hawk a product?," "Are we expected to believe that 92-pound Paris Hilton eats burgers larger than her dog Tinkerbell?," and finally, "Who cares?"<br />
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    It may also raise the question "Why do you, Dave, know the name of Paris Hilton’s dog?," but that’s mostly irrelevant.<br />
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    I know I don’t eat burgers based on clever car-washing ads, and no publicity is bad publicity, but maybe CKE Restaurants could have better used that money to build a Carl’s Jr. or Hardee’s here in New York.<br />
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    You can view the <a href=""><strong>Paris Hilton Commercial here</strong></a>.

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