Mixing Alcohol and Energy Drinks

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  • #7396
    David Lauterbach

    In a follow-up to an article we read last month (and posted here at The Belly) regarding the possible dangers in mixing energy drinks–such as Red Bull–and alcohol, The Dallas Morning News had an article yesterday that touches on the positive aspects of the concoction.<br />
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    Mixing energy drinks and alcohol may improve how people think they feel, siting the long-lasting buzz as the primary reason. The <a href="https://www.briansbelly.com/bar/viewtopic.php?t=287"><strong>Brazillian study</a></strong> we linked to last month found that one hour after imbibing, 14 men performed the same on stationary bikes after drinking Red Bull with vodka as after drinking the straight vodka. Blood alcohol levels also were the same… so no change there.<br />
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    However, energy mixers may make people feel like they’re more alert even though the alcohol has an impact on their motor skills, says researcher Maria Lucia Souza-Formigoni. "One will feel better, less sleepy, but one’s performance may be as bad as if only alcohol was ingested," she said in an e-mail to the Dallas News.<br />
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    Up until 5 days ago, I wouldn’t have cared less about mixing Red Bull and anything… I never liked the stuff. But after discovering the life-giving effects of Jägerbombs on my trip to the Dominican Republic last week, I can accurately report that you can drink 10 shots of this surprisingly tasty Red Bull and Jagermeister combo (along with a near endless supply of Presidente) and still have enough where-with-all to make it back to your hotel without getting donkey punched in a dark alley.<br />
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    Read the original story at <a href="http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/fea/texasliving/stories/101204dnlivenergydrinks.44a60.html"><strong>The Dallas News</strong></a>

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