Man Peed His Way Out of Avalanche

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  • #7483
    David Lauterbach

    <p>nonova Said:</p><blockquote>Does anyone else get the feeling that Ananova just makes up news on slow days?</blockquote><br />
    Yes, and we’re not the only ones. When I posted this I was thinking "this can’t possibly be true," but it was all over legitimate news sites.<br />
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    Now this story has been listed in the archive as "undetermined:"<br />
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    <blockquote>The story has so far proved difficult to verify because its attributions have been vague (e.g., "correspondents in Bratislava"), and it evidently originated in a part of the world (the Slovak Republic) where information sources are more difficult to track down (particularly because the language is unfamiliar to most westerners).<br />
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    However, a correspondent who works for a Slovak news agency informed us that not only has the avalanche story (or any news story about an avalanche) not appeared in the news media there, but the very same tale (of Czech origin, told about an unnamed man caught in the Austrian Alps) was circulating in that country as an e-mail joke even before the heavy snows described in the article occurred.</blockquote><br />
    If you live in a cave and don’t know it, <a href=""><strong></strong></a&gt; is the best place on the net to de-mystify urban legends and email shenanigans. You can follow up on this story <a href=""><strong>here</strong></a><br />
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