Unashamed of their size, fed up with fat jokes, and angry at the national obsession with dieting, overweight activists are mounting a feisty protest movement against what it calls the medical establishment’s campaign against obesity.<br />
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"We’re living in the middle of a witch hunt and fat people are the witches," said Marilyn Wann of San Francisco, a militant member of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. "It’s gotten markedly worse in the last few years because of the propaganda that fatness, a natural human characteristic, is somehow a form of disease."<br />
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The association, known as NAAFA, holds its annual convention starting Wednesday in Newark, New Jersey, bringing together activists for social events and workshops on self-acceptance, political advocacy and the "fat liberation" movement.<br />
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Read the full story at <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/diet.fitness/08/02/fat.activism.ap/index.html"><strong>CNN</strong></a> or find out more about <a href="http://www.naafa.org/"><strong>NAAFA</strong></a>. The convention is at Newark Liberty Airport Marriott, August 4-8, 2004.