Originally posted Jan. 15, 2004<br />
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New Year’s celebrations are over, and resolutions have kicked in – which means it’s now open season on waistlines. <br />
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But here’s a bit of relief for the newly diet-conscious: Guinness, commonly regarded as the richest of beers, only contains 125 calories and 9.9 grams of carbs. <br />
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"Customers think Guinness is creamy, but it isn’t cream at all," says Beth Davies, director of public relations for Guinness. "[It] has less calories than most beers on the market." <br />
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With those numbers, a 12-ounce Guinness is, shockingly, less fattening than a Corona, which has more than 145 calories and a dozen carbs. Still, think twice before hunkering down at your local bar. A hipster-certified Pabst Blue Ribbon packs on 144 calories and 11.9 grams of carbs. The Budweiser longneck equals 143 calories and 10.6 grams of carbs. But that’s nothing compared to a single Sierra Nevada Stout: 210 calories and 19.4 grams of carbs.<br />
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<em><strong>Brian’s Belly Commentary:</strong> Guinness has always been a good choice, but with all the <strong>Ultra</strong> marketing buzz going on we’re trying to spread the word about the goodness of Guinness. Read more <a href="https://www.briansbelly.com/beerbelly/guinness.shtml"><strong>here</strong></a> and <a href="https://www.briansbelly.com/beerbelly/michelobultra.shtml"><strong>here</strong></a></em>.<br />
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Read the full story at <a href="http://magazines.ivillage.com/goodhousekeeping/hb/news/article/0,,nypost_2004_01_04_eng-nypost_eng-nypost_033055_5990025809851692288~ew~xml,00.html"><strong>iVillage</strong></a>