Crying In Your Beer

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  • #6625
    David Lauterbach

    I was out with a few of the buddies talking about the smoking thing the other night… in fact here in NYC that’s one of the things everyone has been talking about when we hit the bars this past weekend. They passed the smoking ban and starting last Sat night at midnight you couldn’t smoke anymore.<br />
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    As a non-smoker and contact lens wearer I find it hard to hate this law, but as a drinker I wonder what it would be like to have my precious, precious beer taken away. If I’m in a bar that actually has good air-circulation or scrubbers on the ceiling I definitely feel the difference… how about just keeping those smoke-eaters on the ceiling clean? Then at least my poor black-lunged friends can still hang out with me while I befowl my liver.<br />
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