Strikes and boycotts quite frequently do absolutely no good. We see them all the time and pay them no mind. The plights of the supporters go unheard of or dismissed due to a minority interest or only a local following.<br />
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But, my fellow Americans, we are not in the minority. We are patriots and this affects all Americans, drinkers and teetotalers alike. In this day and age it is harder and harder to walk into a store and find a product that says "Made in U.S.A." on the label… something that was built by an American company, by Americans, for Americans.<br />
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We the People need to do something and we need to do it now.<br />
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Anheuser-Busch has a history in the United States that goes back 150 years. Recognizable icons of the company include the American Eagle logo, the banner and pledge on every can and label of Budweiser beer, and of course, the magestic Budweiser Clydesdales.<br />
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It is with all this in mind, and with great displeasure that we must recommend a boycott of all Anheuser-Busch products. Vague efforts are futile, so we are proceeding with single coordinated event for the Fourth of July weekend… on this Independence Day, we ask you to Drink American and boycott all Anheuser-Busch beverages as well as all InBev beverages.<br />
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What does this mean? Simply put, choose to imbibe with patriotism and loyalty on that holiday. Instead of a six-pack of Bud, pick up a six-pack of beer that was brewed by your local brewery. Instead of a case of Bud Light, enjoy something that you’ve never tried before that was brewed in your own hometown. Show A-B that you won’t stand for any act of treason against our great country… before it’s too late.<br />
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Spread the word. Use the social links and email links on <strong><a href="">DrinkAmerican.US</strong></a> to let your fellow Americans know what could happen to a great American icon. Check the FAQ for a list of all A-B and InBev beers and beverages to avoid on Independence Day weekend this year.