Budweiser Outrage Continues at World Cup

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  • #7719
    David Lauterbach

    CZECHS ON AMERICAN BUD: &quot;It’s Missing the Taste of Beer.&quot;<br />
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    Czech Republic may have defeated the USA on the field on Monday. But the real action was outside the stadium. The St. Louis brew known to Americans as Budweiser and Europeans as Anheuser-Busch passed across the lips of many a Czech fan for the first time Monday night.<br />
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    In Germany, though, the outrage started months before the soccer balls started rolling. How could Germany, the home of some of the best beer in the world, allow an American brew to take over Germany’s World Cup party? A deal was eventually struck allowing the German brand Bitburger access to the stadiums.<br />
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    But that wasn’t the only beer related brouhaha. After all, the only Budweiser in Europe is brewed in the Czech town of Ceske Budejovice (formerly known as Budweis). Legal battles over which beer can be called Budweiser on the old continent have always ended in the Czech’s favor. But on Monday night, visitors to the FIFA World Cup stadium were required to drink the American brew.<br />
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    Read the full story at <a href="http://service.spiegel.de/cache/international/0,1518,421130,00.html"><strong>Spiegel</strong></a&gt;

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