Pressing its "born-on dating" to the max, Anheuser-Busch has brewed up a promotion to tout freshness by offering certain Budweiser and Bud Light drinkers the chance to sample the beer the same day it was packaged. <br />
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The world’s largest brewer announced the promotion this week, tapping April as "Freshness Month." As part of the effort, the St. Louis-based company said trucks will pick up Budweiser and Bud Light packaged that morning at Anheuser-Busch breweries, then deliver it to wholesalers to hustle to certain eateries and retailers for sale to consumers those evenings. <br />
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Though it takes about a month to brew Budweiser and Bud Light, Anheuser-Busch says the beer as promoted will be packaged, shipped, delivered and served within 18 to 20 hours. That’s a fraction of the 35-day span between the time Budweiser or Bud Light is packaged to when it typically is bought by a consumer.<br />
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For the full story visit <a href=""><strong>USA Today</strong></a>