Beer Ingredient May Fight Prostate Cancer

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  • #7716
    David Lauterbach

    For many men, a finding by Oregon researchers sounds too good to be true: an ingredient in beer seems to help prevent prostate cancer, at least in lab experiments. The trouble is you’d theoretically have to drink about 17 beers a day for any potential benefit. And no one’s advising that. <strong>[Editor’s Note: Why not?]</strong><br />
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    Researchers at Oregon State University say that the compound xanthohumol, found in hops, inhibits a protein in the cells along the surface of the prostate gland. The protein acts like a switch that turns on a variety cancers, including prostate cancer.<br />
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    Dr. Richard N. Atkins, CEO of the National Prostate Cancer Coalition, noted an ingredient in tomatoes, lycopene, has previously been linked to prostate cancer prevention.<br />
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    &quot;It’s every man’s dream to hear that beer and pizza can prevent cancer,&quot; he said. &quot;However, the 17 beers and four large pizzas needed to get enough xanthohumol and lycopene to help prevent prostate cancer is unfortunately not advised.&quot; <strong>[Editor’s Note: Why not?]</strong><br />
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    Read the full story at <a href=""><strong></strong></a&gt;

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