Ok, this is a lot better than it sounds. A local brewpub called the Draught Horse brews a great vanilla porter. Well, we (my 2 friends and I) all decided that the porter was like a milkshake for adults. Then we got to talking about how Amy’s IceCreams (kind of like a local Ben and Jerry’s) makes both a Shiner Bock ice cream and a Guiness ice cream. Both flavors are suprisingly good, yet you would never think that beer and ice cream could possibly co-exist in the same form, and remain palatable. Yet as I just stated, they are both very good, if not hard to explain. Thats when the idea hit: <em>What would this porter taste like as a float? Would it work? And are we drunk enough to try it?</em> The answer to all of these questions was yes. So Joe took off to the 7-11 and came back with a pint of Blue Bell vanilla ice-cream. And you know what? <strong><em>It was an adult milkshake </em></strong>(after a little stirring, that is)! Damn it’s delicious. <br />
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Now I swear to you I’m not making this up. We went back several times with different people and everyone who tried it thought it kicked ass. There’s only 2 drawbacks. One, they’re filling. About the time you get to the bottom of the glass you realize that as much as you want another one, it would be a big mistake. Two, everyone in the bar thinks you and your companions are a gang of freaks. This never bothers me when I go out, but if you’re easily rattled by staring and lots of <em>"what the hell are you doing"</em> sort of questions, this might not be for you.<br />
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I haven’t been able to find another vanilla porter that I feel I can justify fusing with ice cream (the beauty of brewpubs is that their beer is often times cheap). We tried it with Youngs Double Chocolate and chocolate ice cream, but alas, we did not get the results that we were hoping for. Bottom line, it sucked, and we wasted perfectly good beer to find that out. Oh well, nothing ventured, noting gained. Remember, it’s better to regret something you did, than something you didn’t do.