However,<br />
One must learn to walk before they can run.<br />
I’ve been reading a book called Beer, Glorious Beer and boy has this been a learning curve.<br />
It’s a good book and all but it gets a bit hard to read when you’re trying to get enough empty bottles together for the brew.<br />
<br />
The weather is warming up just nicely down here in NZ and I’ve chosen to do all the brewing in the garage, with it being nice and cool in there.<br />
I’ve even made space for a second-hand fridge.<br />
The book mentions that once the brewing equipment is all set up and what-not, you can brew beer at roughly NZ$0.30 per 750ml bottle, not sure how well that converts to US measurements, but hey it has to be easier than buying it from the store.<br />
<br />
I’m not expecting this first brew to be very good, but then again it could surprise me too.<br />
Apparently most of the places I’ve seen giving brewing advice, recommend the brew be bottled then left to settle for 4 weeks, i might leave mine a bit longer, I put it down last weekend.<br />
Fingers crossed, eh? <br />