Anheuser-Busch Launches American Ale

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  • #7929
    David Lauterbach

    In what we can only call a ballsy attempt to keep American drinkers blindfolded to what the company is really up too, Anheuser-Busch will launch &quot;American Ale&quot; this week.<br />
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    In a press release, Dave Peacock, the vice president of marketing for Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc. points out that the original Budweiser, which dates to 1876 and which the company calls &quot;The Great American Lager,&quot; is just that.<br />
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    &quot;We have to reinforce that more and more,&quot; he said. &quot;We have to appeal to a large group of consumers and it raises the image of the brand.&quot;<br />
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    Dave is of course referring to the fact that &quot;more and more&quot; consumers are realizing that A-B will no longer be an American owned company.<br />
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    The saddest part of the release however isn’t the news that A-B is attempting to create a beer to compete with craft brews, but that overall sales of all A-B products were up 2 percent this summer with help from the new Bud Light Lime! Let me repeat that last part in bold caps for those that miss the surprising part… BUD LIGHT LIME!


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