24-Hour Beer Bash: Newman Day Plans Underway at Princeton

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Home Page Forums Belly News 24-Hour Beer Bash: Newman Day Plans Underway at Princeton

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  • #7227
    David Lauterbach

    For a few years now on April 24, students at Princeton University have had a tradition of downing a beer an hour for 24 hours. Called "Newman Day" after the actor Paul Newman with the belief that he once said "Twenty-four hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not."<br />
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    I’m not sure where these young whipper-snappers got the idea that it was Paul Newman; and neither does he. His attorney has written to the university asking that it take steps to stop it. Some websites have suggested it is named after Alfred E. Neumann, the Mad Magazine mascot who might not worry too much about what 24 beers can do to you. I recall hearing the master of monotone, comedian Steven Wright using this line in his stand-up routine back in the 80’s (it’s even in our quote generator as such).<br />
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    Either way, the idea is semi-genius. Semi in that as an adult I don’t think I would be able to do this anymore, but no doubt would have attempted it back in college. And as we have recently said, April sucks because there are no good drinking holidays.<br />
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    Of course, the university does not sanction the event, but cheers to the Princeton student creators of such a concept.

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