A small Albany, New York company is marketing a sinus spray that uses hot pepper extract to clear your sinuses and stop your sinus-related headache.<br />
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Sinus Buster, manufactured by SiCap Industries, uses capsaicin to help open the nasal cavity. One squirt, the company claims, will produce "a 3 second bite that instantly clears your sinus congestion and headaches, but there is no lasting burn."<br />
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"It’s incredible stuff…the best damn nasal spray ever invented. If I do say so myself," boasts Wayne Perry, inventor of The Sinus Buster formula.<br />
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The spray also claims to boost your energy as an added benefit. "The Sinus Buster depletes the Substance P that causes swelling and pain in the sinuses. Basically, Substance P is a natural chemical released by our bodies, and capsaicin has been clinically proven to get rid of the Substance P on contact. As far as the burst of energy it gives you. Well that’s a side benefit from our formula. Capsaicin is clinically proven to cause the human body to release natural endorphins. So when you snort our spray, you really get a wake up call," adds Perry.<br />
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We’ll stick with Chinese hot mustard when we want to clear the old noggin.