Tall, Cool One: Anheuser-Busch’s Aluminum Bottles

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Home Page Forums Belly News Tall, Cool One: Anheuser-Busch’s Aluminum Bottles

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  • #7572
    David Lauterbach

    According to a press release from Anheuser-Busch, demand for the company’s aluminum bottles has been so high that bars, restaurants, clubs and supermarkets are selling out, leading Anheuser-Busch to double its capacity for the package by fall 2005. In addition, America’s leading brewer will debut its newest beer — Budweiser Select — in the package next month.<br />
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    This will be the sixth A-B brand to roll out in the aluminum rocket-bottles, joining Bud Light, Budweiser, Michelob Light, Michelob and Anheuser World Lager.<br />
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    [right:e38a3bb219]https://www.briansbelly.com/images/aluminumbottles.jpg[/right:e38a3bb219]Consumers seem to like the bottles because the "cool" packaging keeps your beer colder longer. Personally, I think that if your beer is getting warm, you are drinking it too slow. But I do appreciate the fact that the aluminum bottles "disappear just like cans" when hurled into our outdoor fire pit by my brother, whereas glass bottles have to be shoveled out occasionally.

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